24 October 2006

Pain Resistance

I found this statue in Apoquindo Avenue. It represents a person walking over spikes, and I couldn't help thinking of a Fakir or one of the characters of the movie "Honey, I shrunk the kids"...


  1. Fascinating, strange sculpture. I wonder what the inspiration for it was.

  2. sculpture surprenante, elle me fait penser a celle que tu as mises le 17 octobre "Green and Wind" (dans le parc à sculptures)

    surprising sculpture, it makes me think has that which you put on October 17 “Green and Wind” (in the park with sculptures)

  3. I found your blogspace through Eric's photospace. I love your collection of photos. I have added some of them to my "outstanding photo" album. Great work! Johnny

  4. No me acuerdo de algún personaje de esa peli, pero igual esta chevere la escultura. Las espinas se ven muy naturales.

    Saludos de un peruano en Barcelona

  5. Lovely. I wonder what the man's size is, it's difficult to tell from the photo. I like it anyway!

  6. loved your photoblog... beautiful place to live...
    visit me, tell me what u think... bye...

  7. Pain is definitely a word I think of when I look at this picture! Wow...good eye :)

  8. I have seen many pictures of artistic spikes but never ever with a person walking over them. Interesting and impressive.
