25 October 2006

The Gazelle

I found this sculpture in the Museum of Contemporary Art. It's the work of Pablo Rivera and its name is "Gazelle". I doubt that with all those plastic cans (which contained dialysis solution) the bike can reach the speeds an actual gazelle does. Contemporary art is quite subjective... Only the author knows what it means.


  1. les airbags pour velos. tres bonne idee ;o)

    airbags for bicycles. very good idea ; o)

  2. Great thought Oliver. I guess I don't quite get some contempory art, but I guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
    Great shot anyway.

  3. Good point Olivier. Could be also a wedding bike with a bridal train... but hard to find a relationship with a gazelle. Maybe I have poor imagination :-)

  4. Rebuenas las fotos!

    Muy bueno, saludos desde Río,

  5. A bike with lots of fuel tanks.

  6. Following your line of thought, yes they are subjective... I would say elitist. If you and me set out to create one of these they would end up exposed but somewhere else in the recycle bin. Some are very interesting and innovative though but sometimes they push too far.

  7. Perhaps going down hill you could get to gazelle speed .......

  8. "gazelle" as applied to impeded velociped ?=? "irony"? Maybe?

  9. it's kind of morbid.
    totally agree modern art is very subjective, could be very thought provoking and that's why i like it (not necessarily this peace) ;)
