23 October 2006

The Indian Square

The Plaza de la India (Indian Square) in located in the Santa María Avenue. There, you can find this monument, which honors Gandhi, Nehru and Tagore. It was made by Claudi Tarragó in 1968.


  1. Thanks for your nice comments. I would love to visit your country. Who knows, one day it might happen.

  2. Interesting that these three important men should be honored in Chile. Any connection? I visited the shrine where Gandhi was murdered and walked in his last footsteps (embedded in cement) and visited the Calcutta home of Tagore, a favorite poet of the hippie generation!

  3. les statues sont tres belles. c'est un tres bel hommage.

    the statues are very beautiful. it is a very beautiful homage.

  4. Gandhi is one of the greatest man...

    Great shot!


  5. me encanta cómo le das vida a las esculturas...

    muchos saludos desde Trujillo Perú

  6. Podrias facilitarme alguna informacion sobre lodges u hoteles economicos en Santiago?

    Alguna idea sobre donde encontrar informacion en Internet?

  7. Thanks for your comments!

    Irina: Estuve buscando y en www.sernatur.cl en la sección "Servicios turísticos - Donde Dormir" hay páginas y páginas de alojamientos separados por ciudades. Espero te sirva. Saludos

  8. Supongo que será una plaza tranquila e inspiradora estando rodeado de tanta sabiduría oriental e influencia literaria y humanista.-)
