Today I saw this sign and it really got my attention. Chile is one of the safest countries in Latin America (we have a lot less homicides than the US for instance), but people are feeling very unsecure and some have decided to protect themselves, with, for example, electric fences. I can only imagine cartoon characters getting electrocuted, but something tells me that this electric fence is not that funny...
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I have seen electric fenses for animals but never for humans. It would make me stay away. Good find.
Yes, that big yellow sign really caught my attention too! I also think this is strange and unsafe for humans, especially children.
The brave new world!
When the safe people feel unsafe!
The picture is not too clear in the fact the the electric wires are on top of the fence. But it's dangerous for children if they're playing.
Scary sign with a dangerous message. What were they trying to protect?
This fence is the entrance to a commercial building's parking...
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