04 October 2006

Don Diego de Almagro

This statue shows Diego de Almagro, credited as the first European discoverer of Chile. He also paticipated in the Sapnish conquest of Peru. It's located in the Almagro square, and as you can see, not everybody cares about our history...


  1. Thank you so much for all of your incredible posts! I am from Vancouver, Canada and I recently met a great guy from Santiago...Checking out your blog has been very interesting & educational for me, and I look forward to visiting your beautiful city with my new friend one day...please continue with your great photos & insights! Gracias!!!

  2. Belle statue traditionnel, en effet pas respecte du tout avec les tags en dessous. Fleau malheureusement mondialiste.

  3. Ciao!!
    Very nice shot!!
    Wounderful the photos of the dome!

  4. How sad that someone would damage that statue. I sometimes wonder why a person would do such harm to a thing of beauty.

  5. Hola, I am the great guy from Santiago who the girl from Vancouver is referring to :). I was born and raised in Santiago, but now I live in the US. Thank you so much for showing our country and traditions to the world. I can't wait to take my new Canadian friend home. Great Job!!!!!
    Atencion los Chilenos de Corazon….!!!!!!
    C - H – I
    L - E
    CHI CHI CHI.....
    LE LE LE.....

  6. Thanks a lot for all your comments! It's an honor to show my beautiful country, Chile, to the world.
    I hope to see you around often.
    Greetings from your homeland!
    Viva Chile!
