03 October 2006

The dome

The Basilica de los Sacramentinos (Sacramentinos Basilica), declared National Monument, is the work of the architect Ricardo Larraín and was built in 1922. It is located in the Santiago disctrict. Any similarity of its dome with the one in the Sacré Coeur Basilica in Paris is not a coincidence.


  1. Belle eglise avec on imagine un superbe dome.

  2. Nice shot of the dome. The grays make the building look older than 1922. I like the textures and water stains down the sides.

  3. I really like this church, though it's not very well preserved.
    I didn't know that Sacré Coeur was so new until I visited Paris. The dome of the Sacramentinos is really very similar.

  4. I like the angle and the soft grey colours. Very nice!
