La Parva

This is La Parva. It's a Ski center located 50 Km from Santiago, in the Andes mountain range, at 2.700 meters above sea level. It has beautiful landscapes and it's definitely a "must" if you come to Santiago. Spring is already here, so there's no much snow left. I hope next year I can show you a more snowy picture.
la vue est superbe. la montagne est tres belle. et c'est si agreable et decompressant de se promener en montagne et de faire du ski.
the sight is superb. the mountain is very beautiful. and it is so pleasant and decompressing to walk in mountain and to ski.
Ke preciosa imagen, cuan caprichosa la naturaleza al generar nevados y montañas cerca sin una una pizca de hielo. Y el hombre llegó allí...
Saludos de un peruano en Barcelona
Siempre había oido de La Parva en el reporte del tiempo, nunca había tenido una referencia visual del lugar, ello porque apenas conozco Santiago, mucho menos conozco sus alrededores.
Hermosa captura, y a tamaño de wallpaper.
Saludos, y ..."thanks for visiting".
G. Ruiz.
There was a special on CNN Destinos about Chile just yesterday. Your picture is much better and makes me want to go there right now.
How beautiful!!
There is a quiet, almost stark beauty about this photo.
Very very beautiful. This scenery speaks to me in a way that is hard to describe.
Buena esquiada.
salut. Joan
La Parva is beautiful! Also, I wish it was Spring here. Nothing to look forward to but winter. :)
the view is amazing! imagin staying in one of those houses ,wow!
...And winter is right at the corner for us!
Nice photo that reminds me Alps ski resorts but this one seems to be quite recent and less developped.
Muchas Memorias de los años 1940
College de la allianca francesa , en Pedro de Valdivia, Santiago Chile
I remember llamas in the village, one of the best moments in my travel. i dont know whi but always was one of my favourites animals.
Regards from SkiClass
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