06 December 2006

A Merry Square

This is a small part of Santiago's main square, the Plaza de Armas.
As you can see, Christmas spirit has arrived, with a big tree just in front of Santiago's Metropolitan Cathedral.
I hope to show you this beautiful cathedral soon.

P.S.: I won't be posting for a couple of days, because tomorrow I'm leaving to Sao Paulo for a couple of days (this time, just for pleasure...). As far as I know, there's no CDPB of Sao Paulo, so I expect to show you some of this huge Brazilian city once I'm back.


  1. cela fait toujours bizarre de voir Noël dans les pays chauds. il est superbe ce sapin de noël. j'espere que tu nous montreras des photos de la cathedral, a noël il doit y avoir une superbe creche dedans

    that shown always odd Christmas in the hot countries. he is superb this Christmas tree. I hope that you will show us photographs of the cathedral, has Christmas it must y have a superb crib inside

  2. That's a huge tree. Looking forward to seeing the cathedral. Have a good time in Brazil. Vacations are good for body and soul.

  3. Wow, I wonder how tall it is? Does it have lights?
    Nice photo....

  4. Enjoy your Brazilian vacations and we'll come back to enjoy your photos.

  5. This Plaza always takes me back to a Sunday when it was totally deserted, but with busloads of military in surrounding side streets. We were puzzled ubtil we entered the Cathedral to find it packed with demonstrators singing such refrains as the people, united, will never be defeated. Not the usual Chuech sevice.
    That night there was no mention of it on the television --- the Geberals still had tight control.

  6. Je pense que vous devez feter la mort de Pinochet, même si il aurait ete preferable qu'il soit jugé par les hommes avant.

    I think that you must celebrate the death of Pinochet, even if it would have been preferable that it is judged by the front men.

  7. Había recibido de ti unas imagenes de las Torres del Paine para la Achib, que encontré increíbles. Ahora, me encuentro con que tienes blog.

    Qué quieres que te diga: ex-ce-len-te :D

    Muy buen blog, muy buenos links
    Muchos saludos!

  8. At Hyde Daily Photo today (12th Dec) I've just posted a picture of a Christmas Tree and have included a link to your tree picture.

    Merry Christmas.
