01 November 2006

Something about to disappear soon in Santiago

This nice three story building is located near my house and will soon disappear, in order to become an apartment building. It's a pity how many old houses have to be demolished to be replaced by huge structures.

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  1. es una tendencia en todos sitios construir edificios con muchos departamentos... árboles de cemento y concreto

    muchos saludos

  2. How sad. All in the name of progress. I really hate to see the old structures go away.

  3. c'est vraiment dommage, car cette maison a l'air tres belle. j'aime beaucoup la couleur des briques (voir le post de nathalie sydney sur le rose).

    it is a pity really, because this house has the air very beautiful. I like much the color of bricks (see the post of Nathalie Sydney on the pink).

  4. I completely agree, it is a great shame to lose something that is still of great value, just because it may no longer be modern! Thanks for your entry.

  5. And why is it that there aren't too many beautiful apartment buildings in the world (except old ones)?

  6. Ah oui tu as raison, nous sommes dans les maisons roses sur le point de disparaitre... et il y en a meme une troisieme a Trujillo - va voir!!!

    Funny how several of us have shown doomed houses about to be demolished, and all are pink! Is this a bad luck colour for a house? Anyway, go and see the other two in Sydney (me) and in Trujillo. The similarity is fun!

  7. Sorry I'm late in getting around the world of blogs. Yes, this is similar to Sydney's post yet a world away. Hope the construction doesn't keep you from your sleep!

  8. I'm afraid that is the plight of many old buildings the world over. It certainly is so here in the US.

  9. Everyone is ready to complain about loss, but as long as populations go up, places we may treasure will continue to disappear. To "save" something often tends to be no more (eventually)than simply delaying.

    But population problems are always "a problem too far."
