17 September 2006

Pulling the rope

One of the traditional games that people play during our independence celebrations is "Tirar la cuerda" (to pull the rope). It's played in teams and the team that pulls the other across the middle line first wins. I even saw a group of women competing against a horse and you know what? The women won!!! (just in case, not a sexist comment).


  1. it's tug of war in english. didnt know it was a traditional chilen game..

  2. Maybe this is a universal game with different names arond the world.

  3. I can almost hear the little child on the ground laughing and giggling. Tug of War is such a simple but great fun, isn't it?!

  4. Looks like a fun celebration with all different ages playing together. Your picture tells a story. Very nice.

  5. With traditional game I mean that this game is played in Chile since its colonial times. And it's very funny. I laughed quite a bit that day...

  6. The horse must not have cared (not a sexist comment; a horse is pretty strong).
