In Quinta Normal Park you can find one of the oldest museums in America (and I mean the continent), the National Museum of Natural History. This neoclassic building was created by the French architect Paul Lathoud in 1875 for the first Chilean International Exhibition (1875-1876). Just in front of the museum you can see a few Chilean Palms, one of the natives trees of Chile, which I showed you
Hi Edu:
ReplyDeleteThose small ships are called "caballos de totora" (totora horses). I have a previous post of them in this link:
It was my first post.
These boats are being used for several centuries, I guess that about six centuries ago.
Greetings from Perú
ReplyDeleteMy english is horrible, but i hope you understand me... just a little!!! it's a big sorprise find a blog of Chile (my country) write by a american man!! what are you doing in Chile???? do you speak spanish.. excuse me, do you speak "chileno"??? Well, you have a beutiful pictures, thanks for that... i'm chilean, but now i'm living in Spain, and sometimes i miss these places so much!!!! Thanks for this blog, i'll try to read everyday!!! Bye!!!
Irredento: Thanks for your explanation on the "caballos de totora". Muy interesante y no los conocía.
ReplyDeletePilar: No reconoces a un compatriota?! Soy chileno!!! But I write in english for other people to learn about Santiago and the Chilean culture.
Gracias por tus comentarios y que bueno recibir visitas de chilenos!
P.D.: Se aceptan solicitudes de fotos.
Saludos y ¡Viva Chile!
The National Museum of Natural History, have one of the most beautiful buildings of this country, inside the museum, you can see a lot of interestrings things, is a nice place for to know about the nature and cience.
ReplyDeletegreetings from santiago
Sebastian DQ.
ps: you took all those photos?
ReplyDeleteQue sorpresa!!! he descubierto por casualidad esto del dailyphotos y me parece una muy muy buena idea, viviendo fuera de Chile los lugares de allí, que pones en tus fotos, se ven mucho más lindos!!! ya se, todo se idealiza a la distancia no? jajaja... bueno, por sugerencia de fotos...uffff un montón, en santiago hay rincones preciosos, calles de bellavista, la chascona, plaza camilo mori, parque de las esculturas, calles paris y londres, calle nueva york, barrio lastarria, los domínicos, el mitico santa lucía, el mercado central.... bueno, si eres chileno ya lo sabrás no??!!! Espero las siguientes fotos, y felicitaciones de nuevo.
Saludos desde Barcelona!!!
beau batiment avec une superbe statue (ah les architectes français...) je viens de voir ton post sur les palmiers chiliens, ce sont des arbres magnifiques
ReplyDeleteThe sky in this image is incredibly blue. Is that because of the altitude?
ReplyDeleteThanks for visiting my blog. I fixed my Shrooms photo blog so visitors can leave comments. I forgot to do that when I created it.
Sebastian d.q.: Yes, I take the pictures in SDP myself. I'm trying to improve my technique though...
ReplyDeleteBirdwalker: That day the sky was kinda clear, not very common here (whe have a lot of smog). Santiago is only 543 m over sea level, so I don't think altitude has much to do with the color of the sky.