La Petite Géante saves the day

As you can see, the show was an absolute success!
La Petite Géante is a show by the French street theatre company Royal de Luxe and Santiago is the first city outside Europe to receive such a nice visit.
Santiago is Chile's capital and largest city and has become one of Latin America's most developed metropolitan areas. I invite you to take a look!
Will she ever find the lost rhino?
I can understand the excitment in the crowd. That is a huge puppet. After the rhino did so much damage, did she ever find it?
le royal de luxe est l'une des plus surprenantes et inventives troupes de 'cirques' en France.
le spectacle devait etre magnifique
the royal de luxe is one of more surprising and inventive troops of “circuses” in France. the spectacle was to be splendid
Great photo.We had this same puppet with a giant elephant in London last year!
I know Royal de Luxe. They came into my city for a week. Their show was wonderful. I took a lot of photos.
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