I found this nativity scene in the Metropolitan Cathedral of Santiago. This Cathedral is our main church and is located in Santiago's Plaza de Armas (downtown main square). It's very nicely decorated and its construction began in 1745. An intersting fact is that this is actually the fifth church in the same spot and the third Cathedral (the two previous ones were destroyed by earthquakes)
Happy Holidays to all of you!
Feliz Navidad!
"Noël est là,
Ce joyeux Noël, des cadeaux plein les bras,
Qui réchauffe nos coeurs et apporte la joie,
Jour des plus beaux souvenirs,
Plus beau jour de l'année."
Washington Irving
“Christmas is there,
This Merry Christmas, gifts full arms,
Who heats our hearts and brings the joy,
Day of the most beautiful memories,
More beautiful day of the year."
Washington Irving
Edulabbe, happy holiday to you, too.
A Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and yours from Hyde.
Peace and Goodwill, from Tenerife (Spain).
I don't think it can be said that we have a "main church" in Greenville. There are several large churches which significant history which I guess would come closest to what I would think of as a "main church". Now we even have "mega churches" which are less denominational and more community centers.
All the best and Merry Christmas.
Thanks for all your good wishes!
I hope you had a nice Christmas.
i to found the nativity last week while visiting. it is beautiful. can you tell me where i can get more infomation as i understand it was made in 1999. please send info on who i can get some facts about it in English thanks bill
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